Free Your Body from Its Toxic Deposits Forever
05 Oct, 2017

There’s a great deal of interest these days in the concept of detoxing the body and an increasing amount of public awareness in the benefits of removing harmful substances from the body. One of my more recent experiences amply demonstrated the dangers of having harmful elements in the body as well as the advantages of flushing them out of your system.
A year ago, on the advice of my doctor, I had my amalgam fillings removed and replaced with a material that would not compromise my health. Despite the care and skill of the highly-experienced dentist who undertook the work, some of the mercury from the eight amalgam fillings inevitably escaped the confines of my mouth and took the direct route south into my digestive system. The story becomes more interesting when I undertook a major detox exercise later that year, a cleansing programme that resulted in some very uncomfortable and distinctly unpleasant reactions. I felt very unwell and, respecting your sensitivities, that’s putting it as mildly and politely as I can! The reaction became so severe that I was obliged to visit my doctor who initially suspected that I might be suffering from some kind of cardiac disorder. A thorough examination eliminated all the usual suspects and the doctor concluded that I was suffering from mercury poisoning – probably a result of having all of my old fillings removed in two sessions in the space of a few days. The fact that my body had reacted so strongly to the presence of this harmful material made me wonder what else might be lurking in the deeper fatty deposits where so many nasty materials tend to congregate. On a positive note, it’s true that I dropped a lot of weight during the course of the three-week detox and that I felt much healthier and energised at the end of the programme. I also felt reassured by the knowledge that I’d eliminated the source of a lot of potential trouble for my body by enduring the gruelling programme. But then my dear doctor was kind enough to inform me that I had failed miserably to prepare for my de-tox and that my reactions would’ve been much milder if I’d consulted him first and taken some very simple precautions. He recommended a course of vitamins and micro-nutrients to assist my body in dealing with the sudden emergence of all these potentially harmful substances and told me that I should’ve added these supplements to my daily diet for a couple of weeks before entering the detox arena. I’ll know better next time!
So, whilst a de-tox programme can produce astonishing benefits in terms of health and wellbeing, it is always wiser to prepare in advance for the possibly unpleasant side-effects of releasing these harmful substances from your organs and deeper fat reserves. That means we can enjoy all of the benefits of cleansing our bodies without the completely avoidable reactions that I suffered during my own encounter with the nasty substances that had been hidden for decades in the uncharted depths of my body. The good news is that once you release this debilitating garbage, your body can be free of its influence forever. And rather than undergoing a three- or four-week programme of radical detoxing, you can approach the issue with a series of shorter sessions and that’s where the famous five-day detox plans can prove to be extremely useful, effective and unobtrusive. If you want to enjoy better health, more energy, better skin condition and a whole new level of wellbeing.