Your Brain Can Help You Finally Lose the Weight!… look at this hugely important quote! Beran Parry Blog Weight Loss

09 Oct, 2017

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“In humans, where calorie-rich diet is normally excessive in terms of both fat and carbohydrates, a mixed deleterious hypothalamic derangement may therefore evolve.” In lay-terms a fatty, high-carb diet can have a detrimental effect on the hypothalamus, according to the study by the Sagol School of Neuroscience.
The study concludes that the “obese brain” is also functionally modified over time, resulting in a vicious downward cycle: poor control of eating leads to increasing harmful peripheral signalling, and this leads eventually to a cognitive imbalance. The brain of an obese person changes over time to such an extent that the individual has poor control over what they’re eating, resulting in even further damage to the brain.
But how did we get this way? To investigate, let’s first look at the appestat.
How does the appestat make us FAT?
The appestat is linked to the areas that control how much activity you do; it makes sure that you eat exactly the right amount of calories for your body; if you exercise less, you’ll eat less, and you won’t put on weight.
If you’re lean, it means that your appestat is functioning perfectly. If you are overweight, it’s because your appestat is not working properly and isn’t able to signal you when to stop eating. And as you eat more and become more overweight, the broken appestat actually supresses your desire to exercise.
How we actually got fat!
The appestat was working perfectly fine until 1977, because that that was when populations around the globe started to get fat.
Research shows that the appestat gets hijacked by eating a diet high in sugar and carbs. Eating processed carbs distorts the appestat, and tells you to eat more than you should, which makes you put on weight.
An excess consumption of carbs leads to massive fat storage in the fat cells, and the brain is designed to prevent the body from starving, so it sends out signals to increase hunger. We become constantly hungry and don’t know when to stop eating, which causes more and more weight gain.
Why YOU can’t stop eating!.
Since 1977 corporations have been controlling our “bliss point,” the exact amount of sugar, fat or salt needed to trigger the pleasure centre of our brain that tells us to eat more. By replacing fat, which keeps us satiated, with sugar, our bodies have been tricked into overeating. Our bliss points have been overstimulated into wanting more and more, and we have therefore been compelled to overeat. The bliss point is linked to our hippocampus, which is the memory centre of the brain. According to new research, sweet fatty junk food impairs our memory’s ability, so that even after eating plenty, the smell and sight of food still provokes pleasant memories and triggers cravings. We remember how good we felt when we ate those foods, so we want to eat more. This then turns into an addictive-cycle as we start to think constantly about food, forcing us to eat every three hours or so.
Obesity is definitively a disease of the brain. It is not simply due to being greedy, lazy or having no will power.

The first step to overcoming obesity is to fix the appestat, the only way this can be done is to eliminate the foods that broke it in the first place, that’s why the Beran Parry Midlife FatBurn Programs will work for YOU!